Under the Same Sky

Under the same stars banner.jpg

We’re looking at the same moon and we’re under the same sky.

That sentence has always been a little bit of comfort while the Mr. is away. My kiddos light up when they see the moon and the stars because they know no matter the distance, Daddy is thinking of them.

I always thought “under the same sky” had a ring to it . This is the first print in a series I’ve been meaning to finish for some time. You know how life has a way of conveniently getting in the way.

I tend to put off the things I really want to pursue. I always feel guilty spending time and money on making something and I always feel like I should be doing something more constructive.

I think that’s how my brain traps me into putting things off and procrastinating.

Well, Brain… I say no more of that.

Today, I made what I wanted.